
Found­ed in 1992, the Club Vélo Ran­don­neurs du Québec is a long dis­tance cycling club with two branch­es locat­ed in Mon­tre­al and Que­bec City.

Its objec­tive is to pro­mote long dis­tance cycling in the form of Brevets by orga­niz­ing out­ings that com­bine the efforts of long dis­tance cycling with the plea­sure of bicy­cle tour­ing.

The CVRQ is in the tra­di­tion of ran­don­neur­ing bike clubs and fol­lows the rules of the Brevets Ran­don­neurs Mon­di­aux. Ran­don­neur clubs exist in over six­ty dif­fer­ent coun­tries.

Our partners

Les Ran­don­neurs Mon­di­aux

Ran­don­neurs Cana­da

Audax Club Parisien