Board of directors

The CVRQ Board of Direc­tors is com­posed of sev­en elect­ed mem­bers. The mem­bers meet reg­u­lar­ly and guide deci­sions regard­ing the club’s devel­op­ment.

Composition of the board

  • Jonathan Abit­bol (Pres­i­dent)
  • Kathia Sail­lant (Vice-pres­i­dent)
  • Gabriel Audet (Trea­sur­er)
  • Frédéric Per­man (Sec­re­tary)
  • Marc Bisail­lon (Course Man­ag­er)
  • Pas­cal Philippe (Coor­di­na­tor vis­i­bil­i­ty)
  • 1 vacant posi­tion

If you have any ques­tions, please con­tact us via our con­tact form, we will answer you quick­ly.