Description of a brevet

200, 300, 400, 600 or 1,000 km rides on pre­de­fined routes with check­points, the brevets are an oppor­tu­ni­ty to sur­pass your­self!

Time allowed

The brevets are free pace, but a min­i­mum speed of 15 km/h (includ­ing stops) is nec­es­sary to fin­ish with­in the time allowed for each dis­tance.

200 Km13 h 30
300 Km20 h
400 Km27 h
600 Km40 h
1000 Km75 h

These times include breaks; the stop­watch does not stop until the cyclist arrives at the final con­trol.


Dur­ing the ride, cyclists must have a brevet card val­i­dat­ed at des­ig­nat­ed loca­tions along the route. These check­points are locat­ed at inter­vals of 50 to 75 km. In order to be cer­ti­fied, par­tic­i­pants must have pre­sent­ed their card at all check­points dur­ing check­point hours.

Each rid­er receives his or her brevet card at the start of the ride and must return it by mail (postage-paid enve­lope pro­vid­ed) upon com­ple­tion of the ride.